Food & Drinks

The Chocolate Journey: From Bean to Bar

One of the most popular sweets in the world is chocolate and for good reason. It is the ideal indulgence for any occasion thanks to its rich, complex flavor and creamy texture. But have you ever wondered where chocolate comes from, and how it’s made? In this blog post, we’ll explore the journey of chocolate from bean to bar and highlight Taza Chocolate’s commitment to ethical and sustainable sourcing practices.

Step 1: Sourcing Cocoa Beans

The journey of chocolate begins with the cocoa bean, which is grown in tropical regions around the world. Cocoa beans are harvested by hand, typically twice a year, and then fermented and dried before being shipped to chocolate makers like Taza Chocolate.

At Taza Chocolate, we source our cocoa beans directly from small-scale farmers and co-ops in Latin America and the Caribbean. We pay a premium for high-quality beans and work closely with our partners to ensure fair prices and sustainable farming practices. We can guarantee that our beans are of the highest quality and that the people who grow them are treated fairly by purchasing directly from farmers.

Coco beans

Step 2: Grinding and Roasting

The cocoa beans are first roasted at the Taza Chocolate factory to bring out their complex flavor and aroma. Any remaining moisture from the beans is also helped to evaporate during roasting.

After roasting, the cocoa beans are ground into a paste called chocolate liquor. This paste is made up of cocoa solids (the part of the bean that gives chocolate its flavor) and cocoa butter (the natural fat in the bean). Taza Chocolate uses traditional stone mills to grind our beans, which helps preserve the flavor and texture of the chocolate.

Step 3: Refining and Conching

Next, the chocolate liquor is refined to create a smooth texture. This process involves passing the chocolate through a series of rollers to break down any remaining chunks of cocoa solids or sugar.

After refining, the chocolate is conched, which is a process of mixing and heating the chocolate to develop its flavor and texture. Taza Chocolate uses a unique conching process that takes longer than traditional methods, allowing us to develop the full flavor of our beans without adding any extra ingredients.

Step 4: Tempering and Molding

Finally, the chocolate is tempered, which is a process of carefully heating and cooling the chocolate to create a smooth and glossy finish. Tempering also helps to ensure that the chocolate has a satisfying snap when you break it.

Once the chocolate has been tempered, it’s ready to be molded into bars, discs, or other shapes. At Taza Chocolate, we mold our chocolate into our signature round discs, which are inspired by the traditional Mexican chocolate used in our stone ground chocolate.

Yummy Chocolates

Taza Chocolate’s Commitment to Ethical and Sustainable Sourcing Practices

At Taza Chocolate, we’re committed to ethical and sustainable sourcing practices that benefit both farmers and the environment. By sourcing directly from farmers, we can ensure that they receive fair prices for their beans and are able to invest in sustainable farming practices that protect their land and their communities.

We also work to reduce our environmental impact by using renewable energy, reducing waste, and supporting organic and fair-trade farming practices. We believe that by making delicious chocolate that’s also ethical and sustainable, we can create a better world for everyone.

In conclusion, the journey of chocolate from bean to bar is a complex and fascinating process that requires careful attention to every step along the way. At Taza Chocolate, we’re proud to be a part of this journey and to create delicious chocolate that’s also sustainable and ethical. We hope you’ll join us in enjoying the fruits of this labor, one delicious bite at a time. Don’t forget to redeem Taza Chocolate coupons when ordering online.

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