
Must-know Things to Look for a Holster

The holster you use to carry your handgun is just as crucial as the weapon itself. No matter what type of pistol it is or what you plan to use it for, almost all pistols require some sort of holster.

Holsters perform a myriad of important functions. They serve a purpose beyond serving as a practical carrying option for handguns. They shield the weapon from the environment and normal wear and tear. A holster also protects the person wearing the holstered gun from an accidental discharge or loss of control of the sidearm. Your top priority should always be safe when it comes to carrying a gun, regardless of the type you have. A good holster can help you do this.

You wouldn’t think of driving a car without a seatbelt or using a computer without an antivirus. In light of this, you should never consider carrying a handgun without a holster. Here are some things you want to look for in a holster:

6 Factors Affect Choosing a Holster


One of the most important features to consider is a holster’s ability to blend your clothing. Even if a holster is the best at retaining and providing comfort, you should leave it at home if it sticks out under your clothing like a huge lump. Any holster that you use for concealment should be adjustable so you can move it to a position that blends in with your body and clothing in terms of height and angle.


The best holster for you is probably not the one that makes you uncomfortable. It may take some time to get used to wearing a holster if you’ve never done so, but bear the following things in mind:

  • You should rip the holster off and discard it if it digs into your side.
  • A cozy holster will accompany you throughout the day without attracting attention.
  • Comfort can also be impacted by weight. It is more likely to make you feel heavy the heavier the holster is. 


The ease with which you can reholster the gun is the opposite of retention. If you have to draw your gun for tactical or safety reasons, you should reholster it as soon as the danger has passed. Unfortunately, if your holster resists you on this, you risk tripping and dropping the weapon or accidentally firing it while attempting to reholster!


Everybody has a different body, so the pants you wear one day might not fit the same way as the pants you wear the next. This being the case, why would you anticipate that a non-adjustable holster would fit you comfortably? 

Sometimes the same holster is available in both low and high ride heights. For those two pairs of pants, however, you might need to buy two different holsters. Or, you could purchase a holster that has ride height and cant adjustments. You have more options for concealment the more adaptable the holster is. Learning how to carry a gun holster will help you understand the value of flexibility.


Whether you prefer open carry or concealed carry when carrying a gun while holstered, the main goal of a holster is to keep your firearm in control when it’s not in your hands. A handgun should not budge, wobble, or fall from the shell while it is mounted on a sturdy gun belt. It must snugly fit your handgun, holding it in place while the muzzle is pointed in a secure area. Carrying a handgun with a holster is probably not a good idea if you can’t rely on it to keep your weapon secure.


Protecting your trigger guard prevents foreign objects from accidentally pulling the trigger when you don’t want your gun to fire, which is the most important job of a holster. As stated in the well-known NRA gun safety rules: “Always keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot,” a good holster design enables you to adhere to fundamental firearm safety and reduces the possibility of unintentional discharges.  When reholstering your gun, be careful that your holster doesn’t collapse or deform. This problem is avoided by hard holster shell materials like Kydex from Alien Gear Holsters, giving you the highest level of safety.

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