Alcohol Delivery
Food & Drinks

The History of Alcohol Delivery: From Bootleggers to Online Services

Alcohol delivery has come a long way from the days of bootleggers and speakeasies, and now with online services like Saucey, it has never been easier to have your favorite drinks delivered right to your doorstep. The convenience of shopping for alcohol from the comfort of your own home has made online delivery services like Saucey a popular choice among consumers. But the history of alcohol delivery is a fascinating one, and it’s worth exploring how we got to where we are today. From the days of bootlegging and speakeasies to the modern era of online delivery services, the evolution of alcohol delivery has been shaped by social, cultural, and technological changes.

Bootlegging and Speakeasies

During the Prohibition era in the United States (1920–1933), the sale and consumption of alcohol were illegal. This led to the rise of bootlegging, where people would produce and sell alcohol illegally. Bootleggers often used creative methods to transport alcohol, such as hiding it in false-bottomed trucks or boats.

Speakeasies were secret bars that operated during Prohibition. They were often hidden in the basements or back rooms of businesses, and patrons would have to use a password to gain entry. Alcohol was often watered down or of poor quality, but people were willing to take the risk to enjoy a drink.


Post-Prohibition Delivery Services

After Prohibition was repealed in 1933, legal alcohol sales resumed, but delivery services didn’t become popular until much later. In the 1960s and 1970s, liquor stores began offering delivery services to customers who were unable to make it to the store. These services were typically phone-based, and customers would call in their orders and wait for delivery.

In the post-Prohibition era, alcohol delivery services began to emerge as a way for liquor stores to reach customers who were unable to visit their physical locations. This type of delivery service typically involved customers calling in their orders to the store and then waiting for delivery. While these early delivery services were phone-based and somewhat limited in their scope, they represented a significant step forward in the evolution of alcohol delivery. As technology improved over time, delivery services began to adopt new tools and platforms to make the process more efficient and accessible. However, it wasn’t until the rise of online delivery services like Saucey that alcohol delivery truly became a mainstream and widely accepted practice. With the ability to order from a wide range of products online and have them delivered within hours, customers have more options than ever before when it comes to how they purchase and receive their favorite alcoholic beverages.

The Rise of Online Delivery Services

The internet has changed the way we shop for just about everything, including alcohol. In recent years, online delivery services like Saucey have become more and more popular, offering customers the convenience of shopping for their favorite drinks from the comfort of their own homes. Head over DealAM for Saucey discounts to be used on your purchases.

One factor that has contributed to the rise of online alcohol delivery is the changing social and cultural attitudes toward alcohol. In many places, drinking has become more normalized, and people are more likely to enjoy a glass of wine or beer with dinner at home.

Another factor is the rise of on-demand services in general. Companies like Uber and Postmates have made it easy to get food, groceries, and other goods delivered quickly and reliably. Online alcohol delivery services have followed in their footsteps, offering fast and convenient delivery options.

Alcohol Delivery


The history of alcohol delivery has been shaped by a variety of factors, from changing social attitudes toward alcohol to technological advancements in transportation and communication. While the days of bootlegging and speakeasies may seem like a distant memory, the legacy of Prohibition still lingers in the form of laws and regulations surrounding alcohol sales and delivery. However, online delivery services like Saucey have helped to make the process of buying and receiving alcohol more convenient and accessible than ever before. As technology continues to evolve, it’s likely that we’ll see even more changes in the way we buy and enjoy our favorite drinks. But no matter how much things change, one thing is certain: people will always appreciate the convenience of having their favorite drinks delivered straight to their door.

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