Nanushka and Environmental Protection

Nanushka and the Environment

Taking care of this planet and the wild places we enjoy exploring has never been more crucial. Thanks to our environment, we have access to clean air to breathe, fresh water to drink, and nutrient-rich soils to grow food on. 

The Problem

However, human activity is straining the limits of our planet, and we are already feeling the effects. Environmental deterioration and climate change pose a serious threat to the survival of both humans and the planet. In order to be in harmony with our environment, we must make positive changes in our interactions.

The majestic lakes and rivers, lush forests, rich soils, and other natural resources that support our lives on Earth will disappear if we don’t take action to slow the threat of irreversible climate change and environmental degradation.

The Resolution

Going vegan is one of the simplest but most effective things you can do to lessen your impact on the environment and protect nature. We all require a healthy environment to survive, regardless of whether we are animal lovers or not. 

Carbon dioxide and other emissions are reduced by veganism.  Greenhouse gases are dangerous gases that are released into the atmosphere and cause global warming. Some of the main causes of climate change are the high concentrations of carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide that enter the atmosphere. 

Going vegan also helps protect natural habitats and spaces, which is another of its many environmental advantages. Currently, a significant portion of what was once wildland has been cleared for hunting and the production of livestock feed. Livestock production is the main cause of habitat loss, endangering both native animals and people. Forget about going on a local hike to see some wildlife or taking an overnight trip to see some rare fauna; if these landscapes disappear, there will be much less space for both people and animals to roam.

By using wild land for the primary livestock feed—soy and maize—animal agriculture has an impact on biodiversity worldwide. 

Numerous native species, including different kinds of monkeys, elephants, bears, tigers, alligators, lions, wolves, and parrots, are now threatened globally due to the increased use of land.

By eliminating the need for livestock and factory farm feed crops, choosing vegan products will significantly reduce the risk of species extinction.  A more sustainable agricultural model that prioritizes feeding people rather than raising animals for food is offered by veganism.

A Little Make a Difference

Choosing a vegan brand, for instance, can help lessen the impact even if you’re not vegan.

“We started using alternative leather as part of our commitment to animal welfare,” said Sandra Sandor, the designer behind the well-known clothing line Nanushka.


Organic cotton is among the environmentally friendly materials used by Nanushka. Although there is no proof that it has made any real efforts to lessen or get rid of dangerous chemicals, in order to reduce textile waste, it recycles some of its scraps. 

Although Nanushka is not entirely vegan, the animal products it uses are recycled to a large extent. For example, it uses leather made from leftover pieces. The business strives to stay away from virgin sources and is making efforts to make all of its fabrics traceable.

All Nanushka “leather” is made of a polyurethane blend that has received EU certification and is free of PVC and hazardous chemicals, making them known for their vegan leather goods.


Our planet is suffering as a result of our broken system of product consumption. However, we have the ability to establish a more environmentally friendly production system that benefits everyone—animals, the planet, and us all.  The single most important thing we can do to lessen our individual impact on the environment is to leave animals out of our shopping bags. Join the movement to save our planet by switching to a plant-based diet, even though it may not be able to address all of the world’s issues. 

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